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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Carrot and red bell pepper soup


1 Lb.      Carrots
4             Red bell peppers
½ Yellow Onions
2             Cups chicken or vegetable stock
2 Tbs.    Ginger
2 Tbs.    Olive Oil


Dice carrots and peppers.  (For faster cooking, you can rough chop the carrots and peppers in a food processor for two or three pulses). 
Saute onions until golden brown add salt & peppers.  Then add the carrot/red bell peppers into the pot.  Combine all the ingredients.  Add chicken stock to deglaze the bottom of the pot.  Put enough liquid to almost cover the vegetables, but not entirely.  You can always add more liquid to get the thickness you prefer.  Using a grader, add the ginger and check for salt.  Cook for about 20 minutes.  Using a hand held blender, immerse the blender into the pot and mix until smooth and silky.  This can be served at room temperature, hot or cold. 
Enjoy it!
Recipe courtesy of
Martha Greenwald
Martha's Good Nature

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